This development consisted of a New Build Construction of approximately 525m2 in a 3-storey development on Chairman’s Arch and the refurbishment of 2 listed buildings at Nr. 8 Chairman’s Arch and 1 and 2 Cathedral Square. The works also included the basic fitting out of the ground floor of No’s 1 and 2 for commercial use.
Winner of the 2015 Irish Council of Social Housing Redevelopment Award, the Chairman’s Arch Redevelopment & Restoration Project development consisted of a New Build Construction of approximately 525m2 in a 3-storey development on Chairman’s Arch and the refurbishment of 2 listed buildings at Nr. 8 Chairman’s Arch and 1 and 2 Cathedral Square.
As part of our role as services consultants, we completed the services designs and oversaw the services installation works. which included fitting out the units for residential use, and a ground floor unit commercially.
Overall, the systems put in place aimed to reduce tenants’ carbon footprints, and maintain minimal operating costs (efficient), that are maintainable (robust) and reliable. The two primary energy sources for this facility included Natural Gas and solar, coupled with intelligent building systems, utilised to full potential.